Foglia di marijuana

How can I use marijuana leaves?

In this article we will tell you how marijuana leaves can be used. As an old proverb aimed at pigs goes, but which is also very good for weed: "Nothing of cannabis is thrown away".

And that's exactly how it is. Whether you are a grower or a regular consumer, you will find yourself dealing with leaves, branches, twigs and other parts of plants. How are marijuana waste used? Specifically we will tell you:

  1. Nothing about cannabis is thrown away
  2. Sugar leaves, a little treasure
  3. Body ointments and creams
  4. Hashish and extracts
  5. Cannabis-based teas and infusions
  6. Cannabutter, an excellent idea for not wasting THC
  7. Recipe: bain-marie cannabis butter
  8. Cannabis liqueur
  9. Marijuana oil
  10. Compost with marijuana leaves
  11. Natural air freshener
  12. Fried marijuana leaves

CBD products

Nothing about cannabis is thrown away

After pruning, the moment favored by many cannabis growers begins: the curing and drying phase.

The mature herb is removed from the plant, the cannabis flowers are separated from the branches and the journey that will make your herb of excellent quality begins.

Pruning is a rough process and in the end, when the inflorescences are separated from the rest of the plant, you will end up with a large amount of waste plant material , especially branches and leaves.

We already know that nothing about cannabis, like pork, is thrown away and that every part of this miraculous plant can be reused and reinvented. This obviously also happens for pruning waste.

Furthermore, as soon as they are separated from the plant, branches, leaves and plant matter are loaded with resin and active ingredients . Throwing away these plant wastes, which for the novice grower are just waste, can be very short-sighted.

marijuana leaf

They certainly won't be as powerful as flowers, but branches and leaves hide great potential that it would be a shame not to exploit. Furthermore, they too, to a limited extent, can have psychoactive effects, if equipped with THC .

Today branches and leaves are in great demand by the food and cosmetic market, which have recently discovered CBD, the "secret" ingredient of many creams and foods.

Sugar leaves, a little treasure

The leaves of the plant, which it would be a real shame to waste, are the so-called " sugar leaves ", those small leaves that grow around the tops.

These are not the larger fan-shaped leaves, i.e. those that protrude from the branches of the plants and are easily distinguishable.

Fan leaves are those larger leaves joined to the branch by a long and visible petiole, while "sugar leaves" are more hidden and only their tips emerge.

The English name was coined for the whitish layer of delicious trichomes that cover these leaves, especially in the last weeks of flowering. And although you may notice areas covered in resin crystals present in the fan leaves, the concentrations are significantly lower and, consequently, so is the potency.

Depending on the cannabis strain, the amount of leaves and flowers covered in crystals and the amount of trichomes may vary.

A hand is pruning a cannabis plant Body ointments and creams

Cannabis is also absorbed through the skin and, when it comes into contact with the skin, activates a series of beneficial processes that may make it the future of many cosmetic products .

Cannabis has been found to be able to take care of the skin, especially when it comes to conditions like acne , because it helps rebalance excess sebum and does so without drying out the skin.

Topical cannabis salves are nothing new. The ancient Egyptians used them as medicine to treat skin infections , inflammation, pain and as a disinfectant for wounds.

As in most cases, the ancient wisdom on the use of cannabis ointments as a natural remedy has fallen into oblivion, and is only recently re-emerging.

What benefits can you get from using a cannabis cream?

  • Anti-inflammatory : Scientific studies show that both THC and CBD have anti-inflammatory properties which could be beneficial for the treatment of certain skin conditions.
  • Antibacterial : The acidic cannabinoids D9-THC, CBD, CBN, CBC and CBG have an important antifungal and antibiotic capacity.
  • Remedy for psoriasis . Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease characterized in part by the hyper-proliferation of keratinocytes, inhibited by the active ingredients D9-THCa, CBN and CBD.
  • Anti-acne : CBD has the power to rebalance the skin, regulating the production of sebum and the oiliness of the skin.
Cannabis inside a glass jar

RECIPE / Cannabis cream

We explain how to make a cream starting from the leaves - and also from the branches - of your plants.


  • 450 grams of coconut oil or shea butter;
  • 28 grams of cannabis leaves and stems or 8 grams of inflorescences;
  • 30-50 grams of beeswax;
  • Essential oils of your choice;
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil.


  1. Melt the coconut oil or shea butter in the pan on low.
  1. Chop the leaves and stems and mix them with the melted fat from the slow cooker.
  1. Simmer butter/oil and cannabis for 12-24 hours. It is important to carefully check the color of the solution: when it has a brown-green hue, it means that your ointment is ready.
  1. Pass the solution through a filter and store it in a container, squeezing what remains in the gauze to extract all the liquid.
5. Melt the wax in a large saucepan over low heat.
    6. Slowly and gradually add the cannabis oil to the wax and lastly add a few drops of essential oil.

      Trim is the perfect ingredient to create a customized leather conditioner. Obviously the ointment will not have a smell, but this problem can be solved by adding essential oils , which are also useful for relieving stress.

      Mary's leaf

      Hashish and extracts

      High quality cannabinoid concentrates can be obtained from the remains of cannabis pruning. To do this, you need to separate the trichomes from the plant material, so that only the aromatic particles of cannabis bind together and create a powerful smoke.

      Solvent-based extracts are much more complicated to produce and contain very potent concentrations of psychoactive cannabinoids .

      To make extracts you need to use special materials and be very careful , because they require the use of potentially very dangerous gases and solvents. We strongly advise against doing it at home "as you do it yourself"! You need to be expert and structured to carry out operations like this which are, we repeat, very dangerous!

      With this process, the cannabinoids dissolve in a liquid solvent which, once eliminated, will give way to a very pure cannabis concentrate .

      Cannabis-based teas and infusions

      With a handful of branches and leaves, some resin residue and a little time available, you can make excellent cannabis infusions .

      Don't know where to buy marijuana? Our light cannabis is top quality, produced and processed by us. This is why we can offer it at a fair price.

      How you do it? Pour approximately 450ml of water or milk into a saucepan. Cut the branches, add them to the liquid and heat over a low heat, stirring constantly. Leave to cook for 7/8 minutes, so as to lightly consume the liquid part.

      Remove the branches and keep the saucepan over a low heat. The flavor may not be the best, so it is recommended to add other teas, herbs or sweeteners to improve the flavor.

      And now sit down and make some tea .

      Lots of cannabis all together along with a tin of Terre di cannabis

      Cannabutter: a great idea to not waste THC

      Edibles , i.e. edible cannabis-based products, are the last frontier in the consumption of cannabinoids for recreational purposes . Preparing them is completely similar to the procedure used for any other traditional dessert.

      Only one ingredient changes: the butter. To prepare a perfect space cake , in fact, you need to start with butter.

      Cannabis is not water-soluble and in order to use it in the preparation of gastronomic products it must be treated in the right way .

      The best way is to prepare marijuana butter, orcannabutter : knowing how to make it will ensure the success of the undertaking, offering you a powerful and unexpected high.

      Butter can be prepared using the tops, for a very high quality result. However, if you want to save your inflorescences to make better use of them, you can use pruning waste .

      We particularly recommend using the leaves, which have a high cannabinoid content, much higher than that present in stems or branches, thanks to a higher concentration of trichomes.

      Recipe: bain-marie cannabis butter

      The bain-marie is an ancient technique, dear to all mothers and all scientists on the planet. Not all raw materials can be exposed directly to heat, and - for this purpose - the bain-marie uses hot water to "cook" ingredients placed in another container . Taking advantage of steam cooking.

      Fill the pan about a quarter full with water and bring it to the boil. When the water starts to boil, immerse a bowl with the butter and, once melted, add the cannabis.

      Heat the butter over medium heat for about 45 minutes or an hour maximum, mixing the ingredients well. Now all the active ingredients of the plant will have joined the butter.

      While the butter is still in a liquid state, strain it, separate the herb from the butter with a strainer or coffee filter and place it in a container that can be hermetically sealed and stored in the refrigerator.

      Once the mixture has solidified again, the butter will be ready to be used in your favorite recipes!

      Cannabis liqueur

      Among the countless uses that can be made of marijuana leaves, one of the best is certainly to prepare a delicious cannabis liqueur. Marijuana liqueur is an excellent digestive with an intense and persistent taste , which gives its best when consumed cold but is also excellent if drunk at room temperature.

      For a few years, some restaurants and pubs have started to offer it with great success to their customers, in some cases even charging handsomely for it due to the novelty factor.

      In reality it is a simple and economical recipe . Let's see together how to make this delicious liqueur at home, so you can enjoy it alone or in company.

      marijuana plant

      These are the few simple ingredients you will need:

      • 350 grams of marijuana leaves
      • Optional but recommended, 2 grams of organic light cannabis inflorescences
      • 1 liter of water
      • 1 liter of alcohol for food use
      • 500 g of sugar
      • 1 small piece of ginger
      • 1 stick of raw licorice (if you like)
      • A pinch of coriander
      • A pinch of cumin seeds

      Preparation of the liqueur:

      The first thing to do to prepare liquor with marijuana leaves is to collect the leaves and dry them . In fact, although some prefer to make liqueur with marijuana leaves, we do not recommend it. Fresh cannabis leaves can have a strong taste, which may be unpleasant for most people.

      Remember that from 350 grams of fresh cannabis leaves, you will get approximately 125 grams of dried leaves , the right amount for the liquor.

      To dry marijuana leaves, simply place them in a dark, humidity-free place, perhaps inside a basket or paper bag. They need to be turned every now and then. After about 10-15 days , the ganja leaves are ready to be used.

      If you decide to also use light cannabis flowers , they will need to be dried and inserted together with the leaves.

      At this point the plant material can be left to macerate with the liter of alcohol inside a tightly closed glass container for another fifteen days.

      At the end of the maceration period, we will filter everything through a narrow mesh strainer in order to eliminate all herbaceous residues.

      Now the macerate is ready and it is possible to proceed with the preparation of the syrup . The syrup is obtained by slowly dissolving 500 grams of sugar in a liter of water.

      Once placed on the heat, the mixture must be stirred continuously to prevent it from sticking. As soon as all the sugar has dissolved, you can turn off the heat and let it cool. As soon as the syrup has reached room temperature, it can be added to the macerate.

      All you have to do is gently mix the two compounds and leave to rest for 24 hours . Your marijuana leaf liqueur is ready to be enjoyed, all you have to do is taste.

      Good right? You will have obtained a dark green liquor with a very intense flavor of cannabis and spices.  Ginger, cumin and coriander will give light and pleasant hints of spiciness . Licorice, on the other hand, sweetens and balances the bitterness of cannabis leaves. If you really don't like it, you can replace it with a vanilla bean .

      marijuana bud

      Marijuana oil

      First of all, what is an oleolite? It is a medicated oil, i.e. a modified oil, which contains particular and specific herbs for every need. There are many types of oil: lavender, nettle, calendula, cannabis and so on.

      Depending on the type of plant substance with which we prepare the oleolite, it is possible to use it for skin use or even for culinary use.

      Cannabis sativa is particularly rich in nourishing properties , which is why it is perfect as a base for a medicated oil. You don't need to be a chemist or have specific laboratory tools to make an oleolite at home, all you need to do is get a few essential things:

      • a glass bottle or jar, preferably dark glass
      • approximately 200 grams of previously dried marijuana leaves
      • a vegetable oil of your choice to be chosen depending on the final use of the oil

      Below are some of the most used oils for oleolites with various characteristics:

      • Olive oil : has an emollient and hydrating action, perfect for culinary use, it is particularly rich in vitamin E, therefore it helps to preserve the oleolite. It has an emollient and hydrating action.
      • Sweet almond oil : extremely nourishing, excellent for making a body oil. It will help make the skin elastic and compact. It should be used within 15-30 days because it does not have great resistance.
      • Rice oil : light and hydrating, it is suitable for combating redness and irritation and is also suitable for culinary use
      • Sunflower seed oil : natural antioxidant, makes the skin smooth and soft. It is suitable for both the production of cooking oils and oils for skin use.

      Making an oil extract with marijuana leaves is very simple:

      1. Place the dried ganja leaves in the container and cover everything with the chosen oil. It is best to add oil until all the leaves are covered, without going beyond that level.
      2. Wrap the jar or bottle in silver paper and place in a cool, dry place, possibly in the dark for about 40 days.
      3. Shake the container gently at least a couple of times a week.
      4. After 40 days, filter everything through a fine mesh strainer into a dark glass container, preferably one with an airtight cap. The oleolite is ready to be used. If stored well it can last up to a year, but it is better to prepare it in small quantities every 2 months or so.

      Marijuana leaf oil can be of great help to you in several situations:

      • as an anti-inflammatory and decontracting after sport or to relieve swelling, muscle pain and bruises.
      • a few drops massaged on the temples are excellent for combating headaches and tiredness
      • used as a massage oil after a bath, it has an anti-aging effect on the skin
      • as an after-sun oil it helps prevent skin photo-aging
      • if prepared with olive oil, you can also add it to your cooking preparations to enrich them and make them more nutritious. Also excellent for skin and hair as a pre-shower treatment.
      • as an antioxidant and nourishing compress on the hair, to be used before shampooing and left on for about half an hour.
      • if combined with sugar, it can be used as a nourishing anti-inflammatory scrub, particularly suitable for acne-prone skin

      Compost with marijuana leaves

      With  many cannabis leaves available, you might think about starting your home compost , starting from marijuana leaves.

      You will need two bins , a larger one to keep outside the window or balcony and a smaller one to keep in the kitchen where you will collect all the waste to add to the large bin every evening. Place all the marijuana leaves in your bucket and gradually add more organic waste . To create a well-balanced compost, try to alternate vegetables and fruit with eggshells and coffee grounds.

      Within a couple of months your compost will be ready and you can use it as natural fertilizer for your plants and your vegetable garden.

      Natural air freshener

      Cannabis leaves can also be used in the preparation of classic bags to perfume the environment, which we can put in drawers or wardrobes to give our clothes a good smell.

      You will need:

      • dried marijuana leaves, enough to fill the bags
      • the number of bags you wish to fill
      • essential oil of your choice. Cedar, lavender, sweet orange and incense go well with cannabis.

      Take a glass jar or wooden container with a lid and place the dried ganja leaves inside. Proceed by sprinkling with essential oil, about 40 drops in total . You can use just one essential oil or make a mix.

      Mix with a wooden spoon and leave covered for 48 hours , stirring occasionally. At this point, fill the bags with your marijuana leaves. Close the bags tightly and distribute them wherever you want.

      Fried marijuana leaves

      Are you a fan of fried courgette flowers ? Then you can't help but love fried cannabis leaves, a quick dish, suitable for summer evenings but also for winter afternoons, perfect for serving as an alternative appetizer.


      • Fresh cannabis leaves
      • 1 egg
      • 1 cup of water
      • 1 cup sifted flour
      • Frying oil, preferably vegetable
      • 1 pan
      • 1 bowl

      Here is the procedure:

      Heat the vegetable oil in a pan.

      In the meantime, beat the eggs in the bowl, slowly add the cup of water and mix.

      Add the sifted flour and mix gently again, little by little you will obtain a batter.

      Batter the marijuana leaves with the mixture obtained.

      Fry in hot oil and remove from the heat only when the marijuana leaves are golden.

      Drain and dry with paper towels.

      Serve with a few drops of cannabis leaf oleolite and enjoy.

      Bon appetit!

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      You might also be interested in:

      1. Terpene pistils and essential oils of cannabis
      2. How to choose the right vaporizer for you
      3. How to use marijuana waste

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