sconto cannabis

Amazing: 40% off

We have thought of a special discount dedicated to all our customers: A thought for the end of summer, in that period of the year when we are struggling with the return to normality, to everyday life. And if the summer left us some good memories, we want to continue to keep them alive.

Use the code 40%foryou immediately 40% discount


The offer is valid until September 27th

We at Terre di Cannabis follow the entire supply chain: from cultivation to distribution of cannabis flowers , we have no intermediaries and can offer a high quality product at an affordable price . Method and experience are our seal of guarantee for Top Quality light cannabis inflorescences .

For example, if you want to buy a 30g XL Box you pay only 45 euros instead of 75 euros.

cannabis 10gr = 21 euros
20gr = 36 euros
30gr = 45 euros
60gr = 75 euros
If you have questions, curiosities, or simply want clarification on the purchase, send a Whatsapp message to +39 348 921 66 55 we will be happy to help you.
  1. Anonymous package
  2. Discreet shipping
  3. Fast delivery (24/48h)
Payment with credit card , wire transfer and (only on request) in mark .
Find out about more on purchasing methods
The offer is valid until September 27th

Who we are?

Our company was founded in 2018, we cultivate 10 hectares of Hemp in various Italian regions: Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Puglia and Tuscany. We have created a network that includes the best growers, geneticists and cannabis experts for offer the best legal marijuana .

We take great care of our plants: every flower of TerreDiCannabis it carries within itself an extraordinary history of men and women made of effort and pride. We believe in Made in Italy , in the culture of "know-how" that our grandparents left us as a legacy.

Light cannabis cultivation

What is cannabis light?

Light cannabis is a variety of cannabis sativa that contains the same active ingredients as traditional marijuana but in different and very small percentages . Hemp plants come from Cannabis sativa varieties specially bred for industrial and agricultural uses. This process over time has transformed Cannabis into a very different plant.

The element subject to the change is tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient better known as THC . It is one of over sixty biologically active cannabinoids contained in Cannabis. In light cannabis, the presence of THC is very low, almost zero, usually varying between 0.2 and 0.6%. Light cannabis is famous above all for another cannabinoid present, CBD or Cannabidiol , a molecule that does not have psychotropic effects but has many beneficial properties.

What is CBD?

And now let's analyze CBD : its main difference from THC (and - let's face it - the reason why it has long remained in the shadow of its "big brother") is that CBD is not a psychoactive compound: it does not alter the senses or the state of consciousness to a substantial extent, in short: it doesn't "get high". This aspect has made it particularly interesting for the scientific community, and for the same reason it is not subject to any legal restriction: no country prohibits the consumption of CBD (with the exception of the United Kingdom, where CBD is included among the scheduled drugs -1 and therefore, technically, illegal), and is currently found on the market mainly in the form of sweets or chewing gum, creams and liquid concentrates (which however must not have a THC content higher than 0.05%).


Although medical research on the subject is still calibrated by the prejudice that THC and CBD have in common , the latter has already proven to be a compound rich in properties.

CBD is in fact able to interact with receptor cells, increasing the response of the human nervous system. It is also an effective natural inhibitor. These virtues make it an excellent ally in the treatment of various forms of schizophrenia, social anxiety disorder and depression.

On a purely physiological level, however, it has proven effective against migraines, muscle spasms, inflammation and arthritis. One of its strong points from the point of view of medical use is the possibility of its administration without experiencing the side effects inevitably induced (and not necessarily desired) by THC: alteration of the senses, feeling of heaviness, lethargy.

It is precisely on this basis that a part of the scientific community is pushing to complete the search for all its characteristics: a necessary step in order to definitively ascribe it to the category of drugs.

CBD also influences the effects of THC by enhancing its analgesic efficacy and prolonging its duration of action, and at the same time reduces its side effects on heart rate, respiration and body temperature. It is no coincidence that some of those who use marijuana or derivatives for recreational purposes accompany the intake of small doses of CBD to "soften" the effect and attenuate unwanted peaks.

In short, with a bit of ease one could say that CBD is the "sensible brother" of THC, and if in some aspects they are similar, in other aspects they are almost opposite: THC can in fact occasionally induce states of anxiety or paranoia (especially on sporadic users), while as mentioned, CBD is an anti-psychotic . Following an experimental administration of THC and CBD alternately on one hundred and thirty-four subjects to verify their psychotomimetic effects, none of the volunteers complained of symptoms associated with anxiety or paranoia while under the effect of CBD .

Another radical difference is that while one of the main reasons why many people use marijuana is its soporific properties, CBD on the other hand has a lighter, more attenuated effect and in some cases can also reduce the effects of insomnia . varieties with high concentrations of THC cause drowsiness in those who take them, a characteristic that is less pronounced in those varieties with low levels of THC or high levels of CBD .

It is precisely their differences that have led and are leading many growers to select Cannabis plants with high CBD percentages and low THC content.

How we grow Cannabis:

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