Light cannabis is now an indisputable trend. Since it was legalized with law 242/2016, it has led to the creation of a new market made up of growers, laboratories, wholesalers and actual chains of retailers. Smart shops, grow shops, seed shops and hemp shops are everywhere, but they're not the only ones selling so-called legal weed. Legal light hemp inflorescences are sold in many tobacconists and in various types of shops, but above all online. The web is the promised land of light marijuana: many varieties are available on the Internet , greatly expanding the possibilities of choice. Especially for those who don't live in big cities. In this article we will tell you:
- What is cannabis light
- How is this legal?
- Cannabis light: where to buy it
- Vending machines
- Cannabusinness: how do I become a reseller?
What is cannabis light
For those who don't know yet, cannabis light is a "light" version of traditional marijuana . Obtained from female sativa hemp plants, selected for the high concentration of CBD and the almost total absence of THC (with a very low THC value).
In fact, THC is the active ingredient that makes the marijuana plant illegal under our legislation, due to its psychoactive effects.
The absence of this active ingredient, in favor of a greater concentration of CBD , completely changes the impact of marijuana on the body, and on the law.
CBD is a precious substance, famous for its positive effects on the body and mind . It is a natural remedy against many ailments such as insomnia , anxiety and some problems related to the sexual and nutritional sphere .
It is also rich in antioxidants and fundamental substances for the body.

How is this legal?
Before we begin, we reveal a great truth to you. Hemp cultivation hasn't always been illegal. In the 1950s, Italy was the second largest producer in the world after the Soviet Union.
The “Carmagnola” variety provided the best fiber of all, with higher yields per hectare than in any other country. For centuries Italy has exported hemp . The Italian variety has always been recognized as the best quality for the production of textile fiber for clothing.
Before the arrival of American cigarettes, at the end of the war, the use of hemp even replaced tobacco among the poorest Italians.
As long as its use was limited, cannabis did not represent a problem. But when - in the sixties - it became the symbol of rebellious youth, the government began its prohibitionist battle against marijuana. This battle is still ongoing regarding traditional marijuana, which is still considered an illegal substance.
In January 2018, however, something happened: with law 242/2016 , “hemp cultivation of the permitted varieties registered in the Common Catalog of varieties of agricultural plant species was made legal. Pursuant to Article 17 of Council Directive 2002/53/EC of 13 June 2002. Which do not fall within the scope of application of the consolidated law on the regulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances". In short, it is the possibility of cultivating industrial hemp plants , which can then be used for a series of applications: food, cosmetic and therapeutic.
This is a law that does not allow the consumption of the substance for recreational purposes. But which has in fact made the marketing of inflorescences obtained from legal cultivation possible also in Italy.
Cannabis light: where to buy it
Light cannabis now boasts widespread distribution across almost the entire national territory. Chains of retailers continue to emerge which have become real brands, complete with fans and merchandising, and trade is also going crazy on the web.
Whether it's physical retailers or online stores , little changes. The product is now in demand, has its own target audience and is the protagonist of an ever-growing trend.
Shops do not need special authorizations to open their doors, since the product is not subject to a monopoly.
Therefore it can be distributed freely like any other product. There are many light cannabis-based products. They range from food supplements - seeds, flours, derivative products and CBD-based hemp oil - to cosmetic products , up to actual inflorescences .
There are many varieties, with different combinations of THC and CBD and different purposes of use. Hemp inflorescences, however, are not sold for recreational use, i.e. for smoking.
The packages - according to the law - must be sold sealed and must remain so, since their sale is explicitly permitted only for collecting and scientific research .
Vending machines
The last frontier of legal weed distribution are vending machines . They are more or less large machines, depending on the model, similar to those used for selling cigarettes or condoms.
These devices allow you to purchase your own package of light marijuana even on weekends or late in the evening, when the shops are closed. And anonymously.
Legal weed cannot be sold to minors. The ban also applies to 24-hour sales: to complete the purchase, a document certifying the buyer's age must be inserted .
Therefore, no risk for young people, or in any case, not a greater risk than that existing for cigarette distributors. Recently the Supreme Court of Cassation has established a sort of "red zone" around school buildings, within which new light cannabis retailers cannot be opened.

Cannabusiness: how do I become a reseller?
Opening a grow shop today is certainly a good investment.
Although from the outside it may seem like a business like any other, light cannabis is a particular market. Opening a grow shop is not like opening any shop.
But it's about becoming a point of reference for consumers in the area , an outpost of prohibitionism, a club where information can also be provided.
T he first piece of advice we would like to give to anyone who wants to embark on this path is to do things right. Becoming a light cannabis retailer is not a way to circumvent the rules that regulate and punish the spread of substances considered narcotic.
The bureaucratic procedures for opening a grow shop , however, are similar to those necessary for any other commercial activity.
Once you have found the location and chosen the range of products to sell and the relevant suppliers, you will be ready to open your business. Naturally the location must comply with hygiene, usability, systems, urban planning and safety standards.
Although it is not optimal to have an endless variety of different products , due to the risk of not knowing them well and not being able to give targeted advice to your customers, it is an obligatory step when starting a business.
Offering a wide range of products is a way to do a little market research directly in the field. To learn about your target and understand what to aim for and what to avoid.
It is very important to present the certification attesting that the products sold in the store comply with current Italian regulations regarding industrial hemp . The legislation on this topic is constantly updated.
Before opening a grow shop we recommend that you contact the One Stop Shop for Productive Activities in your municipality. Requesting all information on obligations and limits for opening this business.
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