Marjiuana light

Buying light marijuana online: what you need to know

If they had told you that in 2019 you could buy marijuana on the Internet and wait for your package comfortably on the sofa, would you have ever believed it?

Light marijuana was - in general - a great achievement, but being able to buy legal weed on a website, as if it were a piece of clothing or a record, is a real revolution.

Light cannabis is now sold on many websites , can be purchased with credit cards and delivered directly to your home, without any type of risk for the consumer.

Buying legal hemp in Italy is a completely legitimate operation , considering however that it can be sold exclusively for technical use , which means that it cannot be smoked or taken in any other way.

Buying it is legal, smoking it is not! So be careful, follow the rules and everything will be fine.

Legal cannabis: what does the law say?

What is cannabis light? It is a female Cannabis sativa plant , almost completely devoid of TCH. Law 242/2016, which legalized it in Italy, requires that the TCH level in the substance be less than 0.2% .

Furthermore, following the ruling of the Court of Cassation of 30 May 2019, the substance must actually be "without doping efficacy" .

The ruling of the Supreme Court has changed the cards on the table, bringing the tolerated THC limit from 0.6% to 0.2%. 

At the beginning the limit of 0.2% was mandatory, but it was raised up to 0.6% to protect growers from the risk of losing entire harvests through no fault of their own, due to the spontaneous development in the plant of a percentage of THC higher than that required by law.

Light marijuana contains the same active ingredients as traditional marijuana, but in different percentages. THC, the active ingredient responsible for the psychoactive effect of marijuana, is contained in very small quantities, less than 0.2%.

Cannabidiol , on the other hand, is contained in large quantities and is probably the most famous chemical compound of the cannabis plant . CBD has the ability to amplify and regulate the effects of THC and other cannabinoids. In any case, the beneficial effect of CBD is ascertained even in the absence of THC.

CBD plays a very positive role in regulating body temperature, inflammation and pain tolerance .

The potential of CBD in therapies for the treatment of chronic pain has become an area of ​​particular interest for researchers, due to its anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and, of course, anxiolytic properties.

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What is cannabis sativa?

Cannabis sativa is the only variety of cannabis that can be used to produce light marijuana. In particular, the varieties used for the production of inflorescences must be contained in the Common Seed Catalog of the European Community.

Among the 67 species of cannabis present in the Official Catalog of the European Community, whose cultivation and sale is legal, there are 8 Italian varieties .

Only these varieties can be cultivated in the national territory, since law 242/2016 prohibits the importation and hybridization of light marijuana plants .

The cannabis sativa that becomes light marijuana is the same that is used for the production and creation of materials for the textile, food, construction industries, etc...

Visually, the plant can reach a maximum height of 5 meters, and develop large leaves with a palmate appearance. The flowers contain seeds which, together with the fibres, are used for the production of textile fibres, building materials and paper.

What do I need to know to buy light cannabis on the web?

Buying cannabis online is a perfectly legal operation , permitted only to adults , like the purchase of alcohol and tobacco derivatives. With just a few clicks you can receive your favorite herb directly to your home , without leaving your couch.

Cannabusiness has now taken off and the brands that produce and market light cannabis are increasing day after day.

The result is that it has now become difficult to choose your favorite variety , to know if the cost is truly the real one, if it was produced following the rules, if it really contains the permitted quantity of THC, if it is shipped from Italy.

In short, there are many questions, but just pay a little attention and the problem is solved.

On these sites, usually, you can not only find light cannabis inflorescences, but derivative products are often also sold , such as CBD crystals and oils , cannabis-based food products and products necessary for cultivation, such as accessories and fertilizers.

The purchasing methods are identical to those of any other e-shop: each section includes specific product data sheets , which illustrate the fundamental characteristics of the selected variety , just like the cards that inform us about the size, color and composition of an item of clothing sold online.

Once the variety of marijuana has been chosen, it is necessary to select the format (usually the packages range from 1 to 100 grams of product) and place everything in the cart .

Usually light cannabis e-commerce sites offer the possibility to easily compare the varieties , to evaluate the percentage of active ingredient and the flavor given by the terpenes present in cannabis.

Comparing is important to make sure you have no surprises and receive exactly the product you want .

Some websites ask for registration and the creation of an account to complete the purchase of light marijuana.

Don't worry, no one will come to ask you to account! Once the registration procedure has been completed, you can proceed to checkout and pay using your preferred payment method (Paypal, Visa/Mastercard, prepaid and credit cards).

Usually the goods are shipped in a short time (24/48 hours) in unbranded packages , in order to guarantee all the confidentiality necessary for the buyer. The package will be entrusted to the courier who will deliver your favorite weed directly to your home.

Can I also buy light cannabis in shops?

Of course yes: light cannabis now boasts widespread distribution across almost the entire national territory.

Chains of retailers continue to emerge which have become real brands, complete with merchandising, and trade is also going crazy on the web.

Whether we are talking about physical retailers or online stores, little changes: the product is now in demand, has its own target audience and is the protagonist of a constantly growing trend.

Shops do not need special authorizations to open their doors, since the product is not subject to a monopoly , and therefore can be distributed freely like any other product.

There are many products based on light cannabis: they range from food supplements - seeds, flours, derivative products and hemp oil - to cosmetic products , up to actual inflorescences .

There are many varieties, with different combinations of THC and CBD and different purposes of use.

The inflorescences, however, are not sold for recreational use, i.e. for smoking: the packages - according to the law - must be sold sealed and must remain so, since their sale is explicitly permitted only for collecting and scientific research.

The last frontier of legal weed distribution are vending machines.

They are more or less large machines, depending on the model, similar to those used for the sale of cigarettes or condoms , which allow you to purchase your own package of light marijuana even on weekends or late in the evening, when the shops are closed.

Legal weed cannot be sold to minors, and the ban also applies to 24-hour sales : to complete the purchase, a document certifying the buyer's age must be inserted.

Therefore, no risk for young people, or in any case, not a greater risk than that existing for cigarette distributors. Recently the Supreme Court of Cassation has established a sort of "red zone" around school buildings, within which new light cannabis retailers cannot be opened.

Can I buy medical cannabis online?

In this case, however, the answer is no. Medical cannabis can only be purchased in authorized dispensaries and only upon medical prescription.

As already provided for by the Consolidated Law on Drugs 309 of 1990, the substance can be cultivated with the authorization of an ad hoc national body.

Following an agreement between the Ministries of Health and Defense in September 2014, the inflorescences for galenic preparations can be produced in the Military Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant of Florence where, after an experimental phase of a couple of years, a genetic of cannabis called FM2.

However, since 2007, it has been possible to import drugs containing therapeutic cannabis such as Bedrocan, Bediol, Bedrobinol, Bedrolite, Bedica and Sativex.

The Ministry of Health underlines that «the doctor must obtain the patient's consent to the treatment and specify in the prescription the particular needs that justify the use of the extemporaneous prescription.

In the prescription, the doctor transcribes, without reporting the patient's personal details, a link to archive data in his possession which allows, in the event of a request from the health authority, to trace the identity of the patient treated ".

This is necessary because these cannabis-based preparations have no authorized therapeutic indications and, to be administered in peace, they must be prescribed only with the express consent of the patient, who must always be identifiable by the judicial authority.

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